Postinor 2: What Ladies Should Know About Birth Control & Fertility

Children are a gift but it's good to have the number of kids you can comfortably take care of, hence the need for different kinds of child spacing and birth control for the today's woman.

Postinor 2 is commonly known as the morning after pill, is used only as an emergency contraceptive, It is used to prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected intercourse. It is not used as a regular, long-term method of contraception.

Medical sourcea say Postinor-2 will prevent 85% of expected pregnancies. 95% of expected pregnancies will be prevented if taken within the first 24 hours, declining to 58% if taken between 48 hours and 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, however it does not prevent one from contacting STDs.

How Postinor 2 works 
The active ingredient in Postinor-2 is levonorgestrel. Levonorgestrel belongs to the family of medications known as Progestins. Progestins are female s*x hormones that are used in birth control pills and often in combination with the hormone estrogen. It should only be used by women whose regular birth control methods have failed or who may have had intercourse without birth control as it is not an alternative for correct use of regular birth control.

This medication is known to prevent pregnancy primarily by delaying ovulation or by preventing fertilization of the egg. It may also prevent implantation of the egg by altering the inner lining of the uterus the endometrium. It is important to realize that once egg has been implanted and pregnancy is established, levonorgestrel cannot cause abortion of the fetus. No serious complications have been reported with this medication as of yet.

Do not take Postinor 2 If you are; 
-you are pregnant 

-You have previously had unprotected intercourse more than 72 hours earlier in the same menstrual cycle, as you may already be pregnant

-You are experiencing vaginal bleeding for which the reason is not known

-You have breast cancer

-You are allergic to any of the ingredients of the tablets
