Man Kills Wife Over Alleged Adultery, Then Hangs Himself

Man Kills Wife Over Alleged Adultery, Then Hangs Himself
Life is too precious to be wasted in this manner. A husband has taken his wife's life before hanging himself over alleged infidelity.

The man identified as Pride Hove was said to have hung himself after fatally axing his wife following a dispute over suspected infidelity.

According to iHarare, Patience Matura received a love text message on her cell phone, which angered her estranged husband leading to a misunderstanding that turned violent.

Surprisingly even after a neighbour had spent two hours counseling the troubled couple, her husband still went on to axe Patience once on the neck before hanging himself with a rope from a roof truss.

Midlands Provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Joel Goko confirmed the deaths of Hove and his estranged wife Matura.