New Strategies That Guarantee Success In Online Marketing

Online Marking Metrics 2020

As we deploy and observe several analytics-backed digital marketing models for different clients, Style Hub Naija has identified some new strategies that guarantee success in the Online Market space.

The world today is changing rapidly, and so is digital marketing and advertising on the internet. In this complete guide to online marketing in 2020, you will learn out of the box strategies that you or your organization can start using for cost-effective campaigns and watch the metrics move in the right direction.

I have grouped the strategies into four key areas of focus to allow for easy implementation:

1. Data before content
2. Value before CTA
3. Enhance local SEO
4. Get a Progressive Web App

Let’s get down to the details and help you score some remarkable profits.

1. Data Before Content:

When writing a new content with the aim of marketing a product, service or brand, the fact that you are a skilled write is secondary. The primary focus should be on data; analytics-backed data. This is so because you may craft a sales copy with all the fancy words that comes to your head, but if those words are not relevant to what people are searching for in search engines, it could be a wasted effort.

So, if the responsibility of writing contents that could attract and command attention online falls on you, you need to quickly build a virtual relationship with a few powerful tools that’ll set you on the right path. Top of these tools are GoogleAnalytic and Ubersuggest. How you use these tools are simple and they are free, you don’t have to pay money. Dive deep into the Google Analytics data of your site and then head out to Ubersuggest, armed with relevant information about the keywords you should look into and analyze before your sit down to write. 

You should adopt this approach so it would be easy for you to notice significant differences between the numbers of new visitors, customers and return clients after a period of work.

2. Value Before CTA

The customer is not a robot but a rational human filled with all kinds of emotions. At Style Hub Naija, whenever we set out to execute content creation jobs, we put this in mind so as to easily bring anyone reading the post to a stage of interest, rather than making it all about how to get to them to make payment or sign up for whatever it is the client is trying to sell to the reader.

Once you appreciate the fact that the customer is one who could think for him/herself, you should focus on highlighting certain needs and then projecting the sincerity of your product or service to meet the needs. It’s only after this has been done satisfactorily that a call to action will be deemed as necessary.

3. Enhance Local SEO

There are two primary ways to get it right when it comes to local search engine optimization (SEO) and both are quite important for any business with a plan to make good impact and increase profitability through the instrumentality of digital marketing.

The first option is to get your business up and running on Google My Business and if you already to, to prime same in line with latest additions as Google usually improves their services from time to time. The second option is to start and finish your content creation with your current and potential customers in mind. The message here is; do not focus on just key words and SEO ranking; but tweak your content in a way that will be appealing to your customer base and also speak to your potential customers.

4. Get a Progressive Web App

As we all know, e-mail marketing works wonders when proper segmentation is achieved, rather than the old way of just sending one particular message to everyone on your email list. Now for a site with a good mobile traffic, Progressive Web App (PWA) is the way to go. Regular apps are struggling to get downloads, push notifications are being ignored, so the next best option is PWA.

With the Progressive Web App technology, only people who are truly interested in your site’s content will accept to add your icon to their ‘Home Screen’. And once they do that, it’s safe to say that your site will be getting clicks traceable to that user from time to time.  


Finally, we can’t fully wrap up a successful online marketing guide without addressing Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) as well as Social Media Marketing. All these are dealt with in a holistic manner in my next post about The Simple Trick That Boosts SEO.

I hope you learned something new from this article. Style Hub Naija is a digital marketing agency and we can implement all these and more for you or your business at a quality-assured price. 
